In the News

Letter Editor Dominion Post  6 oct 24

The ownership of the Morgantown Dominion Post is now in the hands of The Ogden Newspapers of Wheeling. Original- ly from Wheeling, I am now a 30-plus year resident of Morgantown. I want to per- sonally express my pleasure with having The Ogden Newspapers as owners of the Dominion Post.

Robert Nutting, CEO of The Ogden Newspapers, is committed to maintaining the excellence as established by the Raese and Greer families and the fine staff of The Dominion Post. Sadly, some of the familiar journalistic faces will be no longer with the DP. They will be missed, but many U.S. newspapers are strugglingfinancially. Without a daily newspaper, community governments and local social order do not run as well.

For more than 50 years, I have known the fine work of The Ogden Newspapers.
I had the good fortune to run two world- class public health campaigns in Wheeling in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The dra- matic success we realized would not have been possible without the support of The Intelligencer and Wheeling News-Register. In 2008, our Wheeling Walks program was recognized by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control as the most cost-effective com- munitywide public health campaign ever conducted in the .US.

The quality of life in Wheeling would be a shadow of its current self without the Nutting family’s investments and philan- thropy. The late Ogden Nutting, father of Robert, was a personal friend. He passed at age 87 in 2023. Over the years, he and I had many a conversation about health, fitness, skiing, and of course baseball.

The Ogden Newspapers and the Nutting family also have significantly invested in WVU, particularly in the School of Jour- nalism. For nearly 20 years, they funded a visiting professor position and are now funding work in the WVU Media Innovations Center.

Thankfully, these investments and more signal that The Dominion Post will remain strong for the foreseeable future.

Bill Reger-Nash Morgantown

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