In the News

Morgantown Riverfront Revitalization Task Force – September 2024 Meeting Notes

Thursday, September 26, 2024 @ 9:00 a.m.

  1. Working Session
  1. Morgantown Adventure Outfitters Summer 24 Season Outcomes:

(Rachel Hardison)

Rachel introduced herself as the current G.A. for the Morgantown Adventure Outfitters.  Rachel gave the following statistics for the summer season:

109 2 person Kayak Rentals, 255 single kayak rentals, 143 bike rentals

Programs resulted in $9,100 in sales, which nearly matches last year’s total.

Improvements to the facility included:  better storage, amenities for the staff, outdoor kayak display, and camera and security upgrades.  Looking ahead, Rachel stated she will graduate in December, so they are starting to look for another G.A.  Good news is the student staff from this summer wishes to return next year.  They are looking into more custom-based programs such as hosting birthday parties, partnering with summer camps to give campers another recreational outlet.  Steve Selin asked what profile of folks they noticed using the facilities.  Rachel answered that, over the summer, mostly families with kids.  Mid-August to mid-Sept saw an increase in student use, as they started to come back to town.  

  1. Ruby Park Summer 24 Season Outcomes: (Vincent Kitch)  

Statistics – 39,000 folks in the park for various events, 2 ticketed concerts, 4th of July, free summer concerts.  This coming weekend (Sept 28, 29) is the  Wine & Jazz Festival, Trunk or Treat event at the end of October.  Food vendors at these events generated over $150,000 in sales.  BOM award again, but also 3 new awards:  Best of Mountaineer Country, Best Annual Festival Event, Best Live Entertainment and Concert Event.  Challenges this season were mostly weather related – rain, storms, and heat!

  1. Mon River Trail Projects, Events & Issues:  (Ella Belling)

Ella stated that MRTC received an award from the Arts Community for the handmade market.  Another market is being planned for April, 2025.  Also, keeping an eye on the old Dinsmore Tire property for potential land for trail access parking.  Foundry Street Totem has been installed.  On Oct 1st, she is meeting with WVDOH folks to discuss a project to light the trail from Ruby Park to the Morgantown Events Center.  Also trying to obtain grants for redecking 5 bridges inside City limits.  Thinking of redoing the bridges in concrete rather than wood.  

  1. Riverfront News

Frank Jernejcic spoke about how he met with staff at the Dominion Post to provide information for an upcoming article on water quality.  He is unsure what they will do with the information he provided, but he is seeking to change the perception that the river water is polluted or unsafe.  The assembled group discussed the possibility of a working committee developing interpretive signing for the waterfront that tells the powerful story of how the river and waterfront have been transformed over the past century from a neglected industrial corridor to an amenity-rich destination.

  1. Informational

Upcoming events:

WV Wine & Jazz Festival Sept 28th and 29th at HRMP

Paw Paw Festival Sept 28th @ noon at the WVU Arboretum

MRTC Century Ride – Sept 28, Mon River Trail System

  1. Adjourn:  10:00 a.m.
  1. Next Meeting: Thursday, October 24th @ 9:00am
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